
Q: What’s the purpose of this thing?

This is a private blog, which I (plan to) use as an outlet for various things I’ve written. Essays, polemic, unpublished papers, pet projects – that sort of thing.


Q: Why does it say blag?

A: It’s an old joke. Well, old by Internet standards.


Q: Why “Considered Harmful?”

A: Vintage clickbait.


Q: How can I contact you?

A: If I know you, you probably have my e-mail address already. If I don’t, the best way to do it is probably to leave a comment here or somewhere, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I also put my ROT13’d e-mail address in the sidebar.


Q: You do realise that nobody reads blogs anymore?

A: Yes, yes. This is more of an idea repository for myself than anything else. It’s not really meant to be read, I guess? Though I like the idea of having it available, just in case.